The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norfolk Christians urged to vote for local heroes

InspireDo you know of a person, church or Christian project who inspires you? Why not nominate them in the 2011 Inspire Awards to acknowledge their efforts and to reward them with a prize.

After a year's break, the Inspire Awards have been re-launched by CPO organised in partnership with the Evangelical Alliance.

Russ Bravo
, Creative & Development Director of CPO is encouraging people from Norfolk to enter. He said, "Every month we hear great stories about people, churches and projects across the UK making a difference because of their Christian faith. There must be loads of potential entries for the Inspire Awards in Norfolk."


The awards last took place in 2009 and the winners and runners-up were honoured at a special ceremony at Westminster.


If you know of an unsung local hero who makes a difference to the lives they touch then you can put their name forward for an award.

You can nominate in three categories:

  • An individual Christian in the UK who is an inspiring role model
  • A UK church making a dynamic impact on its local community
  • A UK-based Christian-run project serving its local area

The prizes

There'll be a wall plaque and prize for the winners in each section: £250 (for individuals), £250 of CPO resources (for churches) and £250 of training from the Evangelical Alliance (for projects) – plus a prestigious awards event in Westminster later in the year for the shortlisted entries.

How to enter


Click here to nominate by email – or by printing out a PDF and filling in the form, returning it to the address given.

Stories of some of the entrants will be featured in Inspire magazine and the Alliance's IDEA magazine over the coming months – as well as on our websites – before entries are judged and shortlists drawn up. The winners will be announced at the Awards event in Westminster.

Pictured: winners of one of the 2009 Inspire Awards

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk