The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

National press hail Norwich as radical church capital 

JustinWelbyBishop450The Observer national Sunday newspaper has labelled Norwich the capital of the church’s radical campaign for a country with a conscience in an article in today’s paper.

The article follows on from the appeal by Church of England bishops last week for a fresh moral vision for the country in the run-up to the May General Election. The call was led by the church’s media spokesman, the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham James.
The article uses the example of St Stephen’s church at Chapelfield in Norwich city centre and quotes its “pay what you can afford” café, its priest-in-charge, Rev Madeline Light and its youth worker Adam Jackson.
The piece says: “Some refer to the network of church-run-and-sponsored food banks, parish nurses, mental health projects and drugs and alcohol counsellors that he has set up here as the “Norwich experiment”, an alternative way of being for the Church of England.”
Read the full Observer article
Read our article on the Bishops’ election appeal for a fresh moral vision.
Read our article of St Stephens Youth Cafe

Pictured above is the Bishop of Norwich, left, with Archbishop Justin Welby outisde the Forum in Norwich.

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