The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

OMF - facing task unfinished 5

Norfolk churches to join massive hymn-sing

Christian mission organisation OMF is appealing to churches across Norfolk to join 10,000 others on February 21 to sing the classic mission hymn, Facing the Task Unfinished, which has been arranged for today's Church.

Modern hymn writers, Keith and Kristyn Getty, have re-worked Frank Houghton's much-loved hymn adding a new chorus and an arrangement that suits the contemporary church music band. OMF is partnering with them to launch the song worldwide in a global event they are calling The Task Unfinished.  They believe this song will be a powerful catalyst in unifying the worldwide Church for God's global mission.
OMF say “We want the song to inspire more people to be part of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. We pray that this will be a global movement towards completing the Church's mission. Join with us, and 10,000 churches, as we face the unfinished task together.”
Norfolk churches can be involved by incorporating the song in their church service on Sunday February 21, and by taking the opportunity to feature global mission elsewhere in the service.
Want to learn more? Here's how:
1. Listen to the song online at http://omf.org/facing-a-task-unfinished/
2. Share the song with your music team or pastor.
3. Encourage your church to participate by signing up online at omf.org/jointhetaskunfinished/. Every church that registers will receive access to the musical scores and song leader resources.
4. If you have questions-please contact us at uk.omf@omfmail.com
OMF UK East Area Representative Tim Jenkins said: "OMF International are well represented in Norfolk. They have a family in Indonesia from Norwich Vineyard, a Japan prayer group at UEA and retired missionaries in Eckling Grange near Dereham whose daughter and family work in China with AIDS orphans. There is also an OMF Prayer Group in Cromer. We all want to reawaken the church to the task unfinished by re-releasing and singing this old classic song penned by a General Director of OMF Bishop Frank Haughton. Just to get a flavour of the need there are still 36 unreached people groups in Laos alone and the Japanese church is shrinking below 1%.  You and your church can be part of a unique moment in mission history!” 
Visit:  https://vimeo.com/148278498   to see a video of some of the work OMF is doing.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk