The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

West Norfolk churches to hold election hustings

Churches Together in King's Lynn (CTKL) and King's Lynn Foodbank are hosting an Election Candidates Question Time on June 18. 

CTKL in association with the King’s Lynn Foodbank will be hosting a Candidate's Question Time - General Election hustings on Tuesday 18th June at the Cornerstone Baptist Church in South Lynn - an opportunity for you to put your questions to candidates.


Arrival for tea/ coffee at 6pm and to submit your questions.  The hustings proper starts at 7pm. All are invited and more details will be sent out nearer the time.


Dr Ian Watson, County Ecumenical Officer for NWCT says: “NWCT welcomes local churches and Churches Together groups engaging with the election and inviting prospective MPs to present their views on issues that Christians care passionately about.  It is great to see CTKL off to a flying start in organising a hustings event and hopefully this will be the first of many across Norfolk and Waveney.  Watch out for a forthcoming statement from the senior church leaders of NWCT on the Election and how we as Christians ought to engage and why it is so important for local churches to get stuck in.” 

Any enquiries about the CTKL event should be sent to Rev Kyla Sørensen, Team Rector, St. Faith’s Gaywood:rector@stfaithsgaywoodlep.org.uk 

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