The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

An Easter story of hope and new life

MatthewProjectCJTA true Easter story of hope and a changed life from Brief Intervention Worker Jaco Beukes of the Christian Matthew Project in Norwich.
Sometimes people just feel stuck.
At the Matthew Project we help people over a short period of time to gain some perspective, become unstuck and move forward using brief intervention therapy. We try to understand their situation and then help them set small goals to work towards their preferred futures. One small step often leads to another and another, until they feel hopeful that change is possible. This hope often creates momentum in other areas of their lives as well.
When Tom first came to us he felt very low. His life seemed a mess to him – his flat was in chaos, he didn’t have a job, his girlfriend had left him and he was binge-drinking about 10 cans on some nights. He felt hopeless and had taken an overdose the previous weekend...
As he talked, I listened and responded with: “You know you are a very special and valuable person...” This clearly had a big impact on him and he said: “No-one has ever said that to me... I am going to hold on to that...”
I asked him to make an action plan and to set himself just one goal. He decided that he would clean his flat.
The next week he was beaming.  He had cleaned his flat and cut down on his drinking significantly. This had a positive effect on his energy-level, so he had gone out and seen an advertisement for a part-time job, working with animals – something he would love to do. He phoned and got an interview! We talked about the coming interview, the way he felt and what he really wanted. Tom decided that he would like to cut down even more on his drinking so we agreed on a plan.
MattProjectNoCompromiseI didn’t expect to see so much change in Tom on his third session: he was neatly dressed and smiling – he got the job!
He was feeling so much better about himself and had started cooking again. He started cycling instead of taking the bus which had resulted in him realising he didn’t need alcohol in order to cope anymore.
Tom also met an old friend during the week and went to church with him on Sunday – he really enjoyed it and decided that he would like to explore spirituality a bit more.
Tom continued with the Matthew Project for longer term counselling, but he was so much more content with his life. Working, exercising, going to church, meeting new friends and feeling much better about himself.
It is such a privilege to work with people like Tom to see them experience something of the fullness of life – and that is what Easter is all about.
Jesus came to give us an abundant life (John 10:10) and He gave His own life so that we may have it...
So remember the Tom’s this Easter, for God remembered us all…
If you would like to help more people like Tom visit out website to see ways in which you can get involved: www.matthewproject.org
Pictured above is Tom.


., 05/04/2007

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